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Licensed | Bonded | Insured
Dogs Of Donatello

My Name is Mackenzie Lilly Johnson aka The Monkey. I am the mascot of Donatello Electric. I often go with Don to Home Depot to get supplies. I always try and sneak in the work van to go make new friends at our customer's homes. Our crew always runs across friends that like to monitor and inspect all of the work completed by us. Although I can't go out in the field, the crew promised to bring pictures of all of the pets they encounter. I want to share all my friends with you.

"So that's how that Works."
My friend in Lisle was watching Don closely as he worked in her home. She was taking over for her human and inspecting everything so thoroughly. Some of my friends like to watch the crew every step of the way.

"It's Up there, I'm Hungry"
My Friend Tommy took the time to inspect all the plates and covers brought to his home. Of course, he approved of them all. He wanted to stay downstairs to finish his kibble but showed them the way upstairs to replace the fan switches.

"I must take a nap"
My friend Evan helped his humans pick out the three fixtures.. Now he has time to lay back and relax while Don hangs them.
"I found the problem, follow me."
Its always helpful when my friends show the guys where the service is needed. She pointed out the way and led the crew to the basement bathroom in her Lisle home.

"All Play, No Work"
My friend Sylvie and Kayla, were so exited that the guys came to install new Juno LED trims for their recessed lights. Sylvie even brought Don her favorite toy to play for a bit.

"We are here to help! Put us to work!"

Kevin gave our electricians a big smile for a job well done!
"I'm Lexie and I am here to inspect the work."

"Can we have some attention please?"
-Snickers and her best friend

I found a roaming around near my old shop in Downers Grove. After many phone calls, we were able to reunite Rocky with his owners! Some days are exceptionally happy days at Donatello Electric

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